Monday, June 9, 2014

thing the twenty-third | evaluate 23 mobile things

The 23 Mobile Things initiative was a pretty cool experience. I would have considered myself an expert app user/downloader/discoverer previously, but I still learned about some new ones I'd never before encountered. In my library there were at least a half dozen staff participating in 23 Mobile Things, so it also provided me an opportunity to assist some of my colleagues who were less comfortable or tech savvy in their own discovery.

My favorite part of the experience, as one might guess upon reading the bulk of my blog entries and sensing something of my personality, was the documentation process. I do like to document things, particularly a project that has a defined beginning and end -- it's satisfying to look back and be able to see the visual confirmation of my experience. I do regret that, due both to projects at work and a general habit of procrastination, I really had to scramble these last three weeks to finish on time. It would have been nicer not to feel so rushed, but that's my own fault. If 23 Mobile Things v2.0 were offered, I'd definitely consider participating again, depending on my other obligations.

Thank you, 23 Mobile Things organizers! It's been fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julia,
    Congratulations on finishing! I've really enjoyed reading your posts over these last few months. And even though you mentioned you had to rush a bit at the end, I appreciated that you still took your time and really thought about each thing as you posted.

    I hope you and your co-workers continue exploring apps and mobile technology together.

    And don't forget to email to get your badges, if you haven't already.

    -Kaia, 23 Mobile Things Coach
